Saturday, February 5, 2011

Design Wall

Blogging regularly is a challenge - I'm impressed all over again by bloggers with full time jobs and especially with children!  My only excuse is that in the last month I have picked up a new hobby - shoveling snow!  We have six-foot tall snow piles in our driveway and four-foot tall snow walls at the street, and we're running out of places to put it.  Actually, even with several snow days off of work, I haven't made any progress on any quilting projects!  But I did manage to set up an external drive to house my millions of photos that were slowing down my computer, so I have new photos to share.

My most exciting quilting project recently was my $4 design wall.  Here's the secret: a POLARVIDE fleece throw from Ikea.  The white one even has holes along the edge, so it was easy to hang from my picture molding with bent-out paperclips.  And ta-da!

The throw fit perfectly onto the wall I had available, and putting fabric up there definitely perks up my sewing nook.

On the wall are a pillow cover made from leftovers of my blue and orange quilt (with some green being auditioned), the orange and blue scraps I've been sewing together as I try to keep my machine's tension intact, and trial signature blocks for our wedding quilt.

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